By Wolfgang Wittenburg
Published: July 12, 2014
Apparently it does, at least when we buy into the narrative of the proponents of LNG Woodfibre. They bandy about the new jobs being created, the spin-offs to benefit the local economy and how the new taxes will finally plug the hole created by the departure of the last of our major industries some 8 years ago.
Kudos for their superb massaging of public opinion: Listening to environmental concerns and always willing to make changes on the spot, when such had likely been part of their project feasibilities all along and are simply used as a clever negotiating tactic to win support.
Never too far from the surface is the propagation of the myth that Squamish is still suffering from the shutdown of its heavy industries. Woodfibre 2 is to rise like a glorious Phoenix from the ashes of Woodfibre 1 to re-ignite our past industrial prowess and lift Squamish finally out of years of penury. It is an appealing myth and a powerful stimulant for nostalgic longings for a lost past as well as for self commiseration, but how true is?
Let’s look at just some figures readily available to anyone from Annual Reports, Financial Statements & Financial Plans on the District of Squamish website:
Total tax revenues of the District were 12,6 million dollars in 2005, the last year before the pulp mill at Woodfibre closed. They increased by just under 9 mio to 21,4 million dollars in 2013. The five year period from 2005-2009 saw overall development activity triple in Squamish over the 5 years previous to that, during which time we still had our major industries. During the same period from 2005-2009, the value of industrial building permits also tripled and that of commercial building permits sextupled. The slowdown following since then is mainly due to the worldwide slump after 2008.
The population of the District increased from just over 15,000 in 2005 to an estimated 20,000 in 2012, an increase of 30%, or 5,000 new residents with no recollection of the town’s heavy industry past! We also have a young and vibrant population, one of the youngest in BC, and have developed a much more diversified and resilient economy now. Established businesses prosper and new ones come to town with increasing frequency.
Does this look to you like a town in distress, one in need of ‘fixing’? Hardly – but of course, this should not be an invitation for complacency. There are still many structural and economic questions to be addressed. Nonetheless, one thing seems exceedingly clear: Squamish need not play the ‘beggars can’t be choosers’ role in its negotiations with LNG Woodfibre or the Provincial Government for that matter and can afford to reject the project on the basis of its sketchy economics alone, which do not even touch on the subject of expected environmental trade offs.
A bit more self confidence about what we have already accomplished and about other options for our future is sorely needed to prevent us from lurching back again into a paradigm of a bygone era.
Donny says
I went to the public info session in June. I left thinking it was a corporate con. e.g.
=”we do not indulge in fracking”… no mention that they buy gas from those who do !
-“only 40 ships a year will arrive , thus environmental danger is minimal”.. they forgot to add in that each ship is also escorted by two tugs , that makes a 200% error, and funny that no other vessels need tugs to escort them from Victoria!!!wonder why these do.
as to the municipal taxes to be gained , just watch, that will be negotiated to NIL just to attract the industry and to answer the claim that such COST will make the product uncompetitive.
No to LNG , it’s a con. We don’t need it.
Star says
Thanks for breaking down the numbers and adding some clarity Wolfgang. Greatly appreciated!
Jean says
Thank,s Wolfgang,
Carry on, the fight is not over and if only our elected members would come out with a Yes or No, before the second deadline July 26th to the EA Process ,witch I believe more and more is only smoke empty talk anyway.
PS.Please I forgot no big confusing speeches, just Yes or No
Auli Parviainen says
Hear, hear Wolfgang! Thank you for articulating so clearly what the true status of Squamish is. With no public process in place this is exactly the type of informed, factual and well-researched feedback which gets lost . We need to have a public, open and transparent process to gauge community opinion, we, the people, must decide our future. Our Council and Mayor need to do what they were elected to do, which is to lead for the benefit of all, not just a narrow few interests.
Jean says
To turn the light off on the end of an open house meeting on LNG, without announcement, tells a lot and it is no surprise, after all they, or somebody else have decided that the time is right to act and not to be nice and neighbourly and negotiate any more. Why did Mud Bay…. for those that don,t know, a mayor drilling and coring company, that is used prior to pouring concrete, by drilling and putting casings in, to poor concrete for foundations. A sampling company that drills to establish the soil density using a drill of about 3 inch auger Max and then analyzes the various soil layers and characteristics . The other day just prior to nightfall the Mud Bay corp. arrived with gigantic drilling rigs and what appeared 18- 24 inch casings . Is this a fait a comply ? I thought and as it appears, they are drilling for the concrete pylons where a foundation is build on. Is this not against the EA process where, well meaning citizens write pages of important information to them, in order for them to make up a fair assessment of the situation, prior to have it rubber stamped by the Government and bravely claiming, all where consulted and only after consensuses, the work would go ahead. O Canada… the land of one day democracy ( Election Day) and afterwards being bullied by the luck of the draw, where one party claims to have the majority, meaning all they do, would be in the best interest of all the public without recourse.
Now where is the right of the others, almost half and what if the platforms that a government was elected on, proved after a wile way to be incorrect or God forbid even worse.
Say a government has a 75% plus majority, ok that would be the government that could actually claim that it represents a good majority of the population and with it, in the old anarchistic governing way , might be acceptable. It would not harm such government however, if from time to time they would put important decision up for reconfirmation without loosing fans, as it would be an open dialog on a subject matter, in witch the government in powers is engaged in, where a good portion of the people are questioning there actions and an open dialogue would be a benefit and strengthen the trust into the governing system, by showing to be open for considerations, even if they would have to make adjustments to there policies they are entrenched in.
So back to LNG.
So a simple mind without a PHD etc. can predict that when NG, actually not even NG but UN-natural Methane gas, obtained by the most corrupt and environmental unfriendly method, can not be good business. It is not cost efficient at all, but would for a short time make huge potential profits for a few and by doing so, automatically adjusting the domestic gas price to the “Spot Price” of LNG on the world market, with its unpredictability like the stock market. With the forecasts for profit already downwards estimated, where Russia, without the great cost of cooling and freighter traffic, by just simply piping a CNG compressed natural gas much cheaper to make, to the Chinese market, guaranteed for30 years at fix prices.
So are we all willing to pay 3-4 times the present cost of our own resource we need to heat our homes, just because the Gas company having obtained the licence from the previous governments involved, without having to guarantee a two tear system on Gas prices, one of a sudden can export and with it, neglected or better gouge the heck out of us . If for instant the first move of the government would have been to come up with assurance, that we are not to subsidize the production of LNG , that no matter what the LNG export “Spot Price” would be, it could not effect the cost of domestic mainly heating fuel and with it, would have promised to invest a bit of any potential profit from such a venture, actually having not negotiated a firm formula with real figure that anybody is aware of ( non existing at his time) showing the public as there shareholders, just how much profit they will make and with it, where it would be invested… Wow we all would possible volunteer to help build it …..for a bit, until the consumption of nonrenewable energy could be put to rest and with the investment made, by a smart government, not only could we possible export the technology that would be created in the meantime, but could take advantage of a cleaner energy for a short while .
So thank you all, for those that see through the spin and are brave enough to be counted against it and especially all the politicians , please this is your opportunity, to make it a Yes or No and “lets see we will study it”…… is no long acceptable and It will decide the winners of our next government. The ballot boxes are being readied soon and I vote for the one that has the guts, to come out and be counted, especially before July 26th, second deadline of the EA Process and as it appears, a total unnecessary waist of time, if Woodfiber is already allowed to put concrete foundations in. May somebody please check into it. Did DOS already issue Building Permits?
As to the Chief reportage on LNG by Rebecca Aldous with MR. Hightower, I have a letter by Mr Hightower stating “So as the report is written, I think it is inappropriate and I would prefer that it be reworked considerably before being released. Thanks, Mike Hightower “. One wonders who commissioned that interview.
Anne Bright says
According to the DoS Facebook page that boasts these awards:
Safe Communities Canada designated Squamish as BC’s 4th and Canada’s 60th Safest Communities in 2010.
Squamish was rated number one in air quality in MoneySense magazine’s 2012 Survey of the Best Places to Live in Canada.
Well said Wolfgang. If given the opportunity to vote, we all need to vote “NO” to LNG and need to cite safety of the environment and citizens as two top reasons why.
Paul Watt says
This project is un-needed, and un-wanted for so many different reasons, any one of which should persuade people to kill it dead right now. The greater issues of methane escapes, environmental damage from fracking, and pipeline/transport safety aside, I think the nitrous oxide and sulphur dioxide emissions (which cause acid dew as well) from the flare stack (that is 380 feet high!!!!), are a direct health risk to the people of Squamish. If you could smell the Woodfibre Mill in the bad old days, you’ll be inhaling nitrous oxides, and your cars, veggies and everything else will be covered with acid deposits every time they flare. Asthma sufferers used to our recently clean air will suffer too. Plus, the noise made by the compressors and storage tanks and ships will fill Howe Sound with noise, driving the herring, dolphins and whales away again.
gillian says
Save Howe Sound!
Jp says
I don’t think Wolfgang is a business person who pays business property taxes.
Adam says
Just to be clear JP. Only business people are allowed to share information they feel is relevant to the community?
Jp says
If many of you actually pay property taxes in Squamish, you will realize how much the tax burden is placed on us. Take a walk downtown and look at all the vacancies of business units. Businesses stay away from Squamish because property taxes are too high. Most of the opponents of Lng or any development in our community are newer residents to the community that come to enjoy ‘outdoor’ activities. They have no clue on how business works and push their NINBY green agenda on us with their rants. Health care costs money, the teachers want raises, we want better infrastructure, more firefighters, better transit, more parks etc. The last time I checked, if the economy doesn’t grow, the tax base doesn’t grow, none of the stuff I mentioned above does not get done!! We live in British Columbia, look around you, we are a resource based economy. This province was built by railroads, pipelines and resource extraction.
Adam says
Oh, OK. I missed your earlier point. What you’re now saying is that “new residents have no clue how business works”. So it’s only Squamish locals who understand economics and business? That seems reasonable.
I was raised in the Corridor but call Squamish home now so I’m your new neighbour. Lets get together JP – you can explain to me how business works in Squamish. I’d genuinely like to know.
glenne C says
Please watch the DOS regular business meeting of July 15 for a glimpse into the boon doggle this project is becoming daily. The video is not posted yet but will be. But go to:
Agenda section: Business and Community Services –
Woodfibre LNG Environmental Approval Timelines
Staff Recommendation:
THAT the District of Squamish direct staff to prepare a report to Council, based on findings of the Staff Committee on the Woodfibre Liquified Natural Gas proposal, in time for Council to respond during the final comment periods of the Environmental Approval Process.