FortisBC is increasing the cost of natural gas from October 1.
For residential customers, the monthly natutal gas bill will increase by approximately five dollars or six per cent.
This is based on an average household consumption of eight gigajoules (GJ) of natural gas per month, says Fortis BC.
“The price of natural gas is driven by the larger market where prices have been increasing,” said Diane Roy, vice-president of regulatory affairs with FortisBC.
“Our customers pay what we pay for natural gas, and we take all steps within our control to manage gas costs on behalf of our customers.”
FortisBC says it acquires natural gas and propane at market-based prices, which are affected by factors like supply and demand and economic conditions in North America.
FortisBC says it does not mark up the cost of natural gas or propane.
“We understand that energy costs are an important consideration in household budgets and increasing bills, even by small amounts, have an impact,” said Roy.
“If customers have a concern about their bill, we are always here to assist in ways that best support their individual circumstances.”
FortisBC reviews the costs of natural gas and propane with the British Columbia Utilities Commission every three months.