BC Hydro is planning a three-day power outage at the Porteau Cove provincial park.
Power will be out for 8.5 hours on January 14, from 8 am to 4:30 pm.
“We are conducting some work at the Porteau substation, which also includes work on two transmission lines. This work needs to be done with our lines and infrastructure “de-energized” for the safety of our crews and the public,” said Kevin Aquion, media relations for BC Hydro.
The outage will impact services in the Porteau Cove Provincial Park, which includes the amphitheatre, workshop, campsite and restrooms.
“We recognize the inconvenience of being without power and appreciate the patience of our customers impacted by these outages,” he said.
“Our planners look at a number of options to ensure we can keep the outage length to a minimum.”
BC Hydro is asking people to main social distancing with BC Hydro crews or contractors.
“Please respect social distancing measures and maintain a physical distance of at least two metres. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience,” the company said.
BC Hydro is also planning an eight-hour outage in Downtown Squamish.
The outage starts on January 17, Sunday, at 7 am and will continue until 3 pm.