Applications are now open for Community Enhancement Grants.
Funded by the District of Squamish, the Community Enhancement Grants are administered by the Squamish Community Foundation.
Community grants support vulnerable citizens, youth, reconciliation, equity and diversity, social well-being, and connectedness in the community.
“On behalf of the Squamish Community Foundation, we are pleased to be administering the Community Enhancement Grants for the District of Squamish once again,” says Karen Clarke.
“We encourage local non-profits and charities to apply for this funding for 2022 projects especially organizations/programs supporting Reconciliation, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice and the Environment,” she says.
These grants are specifically geared towards projects that seek to enhance the community of Squamish through programming that aligns with the overarching goals of the district’s Official Community Plan.
Funds will be awarded to non-profit or charitable organisations that propose to enhance the lives of local citizens through the following:
Decolonization and reconciliation initiatives
Intergenerational programming
Enhancement of neighbourhood connectivity
Environmental stewardship, sustainability and/or climate action
Equity and Diversity programming
Support of physical health, mental health and/or social wellbeing
Youth-led initiatives
Programming for social services that assist Squamish’s vulnerable populations
Recreation programming
Applications are now open until November 12, 2021. Submit completed applications to: