Local MP Patrick Weiler has announced more than $32.3 million dollars to support the construction of 80 permanent affordable housing units in West Vancouver and Squamish.
The funding is dedicated to two distinct projects for Squamish members and their families through the Project Stream of the Rapid Housing Initiative (RHI).
The West Vancouver building will be located in the Xwmelch’stn village on Capilano Reserve 5 and will have the name “estítkw”, which means “sheltered and safe place”. The project will consist of 42 studio apartments and 8 two-bedroom units for a total of 50 apartments. These homes will be prioritized for women and their children, people with disabilities, people dealing with mental health and addiction issues, LGBTQAI2S+ and people at risk of or experiencing homelessness.
The Squamish Valley building will be located on Siyich’em Reserve 16 land and will be called “eskékxwi7ch tl’a Sp’ákw’us” which means “Gathering Place of Eagles”. The building includes 16 studio apartments, 7 one- bedroom apartments, 7 two-bedroom apartments for a grand total of 30 apartments. These homes will be prioritized for women and their children, people with disabilities, LGBTQAI2S+ and people at risk of or experiencing homelessness.
Both buildings will be managed by Hiy̓ ám̓ ta Sḵwx̱ wú7mesh Housing Society and will be energy efficient, 20% fully accessible and the remaining 80% of the units will be adaptable. The projects are expected to be completed by the spring of 2023.
Delivered by CMHC under the National Housing Strategy (NHS), RHI provides funding to develop new, permanent affordable housing by covering costs associated with the construction of new rental housing units, as well as the acquisition of land, and the conversion/rehabilitation of existing buildings to affordable housing. Investments made under the RHI are expected to support thousands of construction-related jobs for Canadians from coast to coast to coast.
“Indigenous communities in British Columbia deserve access to safe and affordable housing. That’s why our government is investing in 80 affordable housing units on Squamish Nation Reserve lands at Siyich’em in Squamish and Xwmelch’stn in West Vancouver to help stimulate the local economy and improve the quality of life for Squamish Nation members. Through an over $32.3 million investment, the Government of Canada is proud to partner with Squamish Nation and Hiy̓ ám̓ ta Sḵwx̱ wú7mesh Housing Society to advance their housing plans and deliver inclusive housing solutions to those that need it the most,” said MP Patrick Weiler.
“This development will provide new options for individuals and families who want to stay in our community at deeply affordable rents and is another step along the path to fulfilling our goal to bring Squamish home,” said Councillor and Nation Spokesperson Wilson Williams (Sxwíxwtn).
“Hiy̓ ám̓ ta Sḵwx̱ wú7mesh Housing Society is the not-for-profit organization responsible for building and managing affordable housing for our members. This important partnership allows us to create much-needed equitable and affordable homes for our people and reduces the barriers to help bring our people home,” said Sarah Silva, CEO of Hiyam.