A candle of hope was lit as the peace vigil for Ukraine was hosted by the Squamish Multi-faith Association on Friday evening.
As many as 25 members of the Squamish community gathered in person at Squamish United Church while several others took part online.
People of every nationality, faith and practice came together and lit candles for peace for Ukraine.
Faith groups and individuals offered songs, prayers and laments longing for peace in Ukraine and throughout the world.
Sisolia (Donna Billy) offered a welcome and prayers from the Squamish Nation, letting all Ukrainians gathered in the room and across the globe that they are welcome to call this land home.
She has taken all the candles lit in prayer and will place them in the water so that the prayers will be heard and offer healing as that water carries them to where they need to be.
Rev. Cameron Gutjahr of St. John’s the Divine led those gathered in an orthodox-sung lament.
Karen Millard is a minister at the United Church of Canada, and a member of the Squamish Multifaith Association.