The District of Squamish is holding a Public Hearing for Marine Zones in the community. The public hearing will be held on September 6 at 6 pm in the council chamber and electronically.
District of Squamish plans to establish five new marine-specific zones as well as marine use definitions. This will enhance the coordination, shared use and alignment of local land and water use regulations with stewardship objectives as set out in the District of Squamish Official Community Plan.
Marine Zone (M-1) pertains to general marine navigation, public access and recreation as well as aquaculture activities. The Marine Mixed Use (M-2) provides for a variety of marine commercial uses and the orderly development of marina infrastructure, associated moorage and related and marine retail and recreation activities.
The Marine Recreation (M-3) Zone will provide public marine recreation areas and regulate activities, access and moorage for community use.
Marine Log Storage (M-4) will provide regulation for the use of the marine coastal area for water-based log storage as well as water-based log handling adjacent to immediate upland log sort operations or log transfer sites.
Marine Transportation Facilities (M-5) The intent of this zone is to provide for and regulate major marine transportation infrastructure at the Darrell Bay Ferry Terminal.