Signage has been posted around the Brennan Park Recreation Centre and fields to warn residents of a cougar in the area.
District of Squamish staff received a report of a deer carcass on the Brennan Park fields this morning near the Aquatic Centre entrance.
The condition of the large carcass, and signs of it being dragged a distance suggest that of a cougar kill. A deer herd has been observed in the area and it is likely that the cougar may be following the herd, according to the Conservation Officer Service.
The local soccer associations have been informed and will be helping to fan out this information.
Last week, District crews also posted signage in the Eaglewind Park following sightings of a cougar in the area. The sightings occurred on Thursday, November 10 and Friday, November 11. There have been reports of cougar sightings in Garibaldi Highlands as well.