On occasion I am asked why I did not seek a seat on the Seniors Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee that was essentially formed to determine programming at three municipal locations: The 55 Activity Centre, the rented space (Mo-Fr 9-2) in the Westwinds building and Brennan Park Recreation Centre.
Representing the Squamish Seniors Centre Society and being its current President, my aim remains working towards fulfilling our mission statement: “The purpose of the Society is to advise and assist in the operation of a centre (‘under one roof’) for the recreational, educational and social activities for senior citizens of the Squamish area.”
Presently one of our directors is representing our Society on the Seniors Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee. Our over 200 active paid-up members who joined since late 2021 indicated as their priorities by joining: get the kitchen operating, return the multipurpose room to the seniors (Squamish Arts could use space in Brennan Park instead), and offer programs seniors actually want to take part in (compare this to the Society sponsored Tai Chi program which is oversubscribed).
We have successfully fund raised during the pandemic to support Tai Chi and Arts programs, even held outdoors when municipal facilities were closed, and are presently making a substantial contribution towards the restoration of the lawn bowling greens, which for a lack of maintenance, have become unusable.
We are grateful for the support by the Federal Government, the United Way, the Squamish Community Foundation, the Squamish Rotary Club, Woodfibre LNG and, recently, the Squamish Gondola. The District’s lawn bowling greens site preparation service is also gratefully acknowledged.
Gradually turning the ‘The 55 Activity Centre’ (our ‘Seniors Centre’) into a community centre without “consultation” is a disservice to the many seniors who worked so hard toward its creation and operation. With the exception of the ice rink and the pool, the frequent visits I have made to Brennan Park show that it is underused.
Brennan Park, or the schools, should take kids for after school care etc. and more programs for seniors should instead happen at The 55 Activity Centre. If you wish to be part of our active Society in support of our objectives, consider joining today. Detailed information at https://squamishseniorscentre.com/program-rates.