It’s the gift of a lift. A group of local volunteers are launching a new MediCar program in March that will take people to medical appointments in Whistler and the city. The free service will launch on March 1 for those who need transportation to medical appointments on Vancouver, North Shore, or in Whistler.
MediCar is part of the Squamish Volunteers Drivers Program and operates under the Sea to Sky Hospice Society. The Squamish Rotary Club has provided $20,000 for the program. “Without the $20,000 grant, we would not have been able to offer this service to our community,” said Grace Halverson, the coordinator for the program.
Historically, Squamish Rotary has been very supportive of the Squamish Volunteer Drivers Program. In 2015, when the Canadian Cancer Society withdrew their funding for transportation services, the local Rotary Club stepped up and provided $15,000 to the program.
“We are sure that thanks to Rotary and with community support this program too will be a great success. We are hoping that many will donate through Sea to Sky Hospice (treasurer@seatoskyhospice.ca),” said Grace Halverson, the program coordinator.
Grace said there was a strong demand for this kind of a program in the community. “We are very aware that transportation is limited. We want to provide that service for specialist appointment, and that could be appointment for eyes, hearts, diabetes, Parkinsons,” she said.
The transportation is free but those who use the service can donate through the Sea to Sky Hospice. As many as 16 volunteers have signed up to take patients to their appointments. Doug Hackett, Kim Volker, and Colleen Polowich are some locals who have signed up to be volunteers, and any who wants to volunteer for this program can contact Grace Halvorson at hghalv@shaw.ca.