The proposed seven-hectare FortisBC lodge will be able to host as many as 600 workers by the peak season in 2025.
The Lodge will be built and operated by ATCO and will consist of single-storey wooden structure complex set on wood crib foundations and will have a gross floor area of approximately 145,800 square feet. The lodge will house 300 to 400 workers on average from 2023 to 2025, peaking at approximately 600 workers in the summer of 2025. Workers are expected to start living in the camp by this June.
According to a Lodge management report submitted to the District, the EGP workforce lodge will have 576 beds with option for additional 36 beds to accommodate the majority of non-local workforce. The access will be from Highway 99, the Mamquam Forest Service Road, Powerhouse Springs FSR and a proposed new 1.2 km site access road.
A total of 16 dormitories will be installed, each with 36 rooms for a total capacity of 576 beds. These dorms will be laid out in two wings and interconnected through an arctic corridor to a 35-unit core building containing the main entrance, reception and administration offices, a sizeable mudroom, kitchen, food storage and dining areas.
In addition, a 13-unit recreation building will be attached through the arctic corridor and will house a lounge area, mini-theater, games room and a gym. Fortis will also install a two-unit medical clinic with medical personnel onsite with medical emergency and communicable disease control protocols; as well as health and wellness promotion programming including related to mental health and sexual health.
ATCO will establish and oversee lodge rules that will ensure the lodge site is free of any violence, harassment, illicit drugs, or firearms in accordance with industry requirements and the EGP Project Worker Code of Conduct. The lodge will have security 24 hours per day, seven days a week. Security will be available day and night to respond to emergency calls and assist guests at any time.
Mike hunt says
Nice concentration camp. Right on the edge of town. Their not killing people, just using cheap labour to increase profits.
Phil Graves says
when you moved to squamish people like me didnt want you to. When i moved to squamish people didnt want me to either. youre being hypocritical. Every business wants cheaper labour to cut costs, we live in a capitalist society why is this shocking to you mike?
NIMBYism at its finest.
tom anderson says
Cheap labor? What makes you say this would be cheap labor? Sounds like any other camp for places like Site C, or Prince Rupert. Those are all union, high paying jobs.
Trevor Groeneveld says
What are all these workers for? Gas is being phased out everywhere in BC and Fortis needs a massive camp?