According to an update from the District of Squamish, clean groundwater will be removed during the construction of MTN Village development. The water, sourced from the Mamquam River, will be treated and released back into the river under environmental safeguards.
Anthem, the project’s developer, worked with Cascade Environmental Group and the District of Squamish to determine the best method for handling the groundwater during excavation for an underground parking facility. Testing confirmed that releasing the clean water back into the Mamquam River is the safest option.
The Ministry of Environment approved the process following a feasibility review, and the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship granted a Water-Use Application before work began. The groundwater has been verified to meet British Columbia’s Water Quality Guidelines for Aquatic Life. Ongoing water sampling will ensure that only clean water re-enters the river throughout the six- to eight-month dewatering process.
Once the process is complete, the temporary dewatering system will be removed.
MTN Village is a mixed-use development featuring townhomes, condos, rental housing, and commercial spaces, including light-industrial areas and a daycare. Construction is expected to be finished by 2027.