Minaty Bay will serve as a backdrop for the Netflix series Resident Alien, as GEP Resident Inc. prepares to film scenes for the show’s fourth season. Filming is scheduled for Monday, January 9, 2025, with site preparation and restoration occurring in the days before and after.
Filming Schedule and Activities
From Wednesday, November 27, to Sunday, December 8, a smaller crew will be on-site between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. to prepare the area for filming. All work will occur on private property, without noise. The main film unit will arrive on-site on Sunday, December 8.
Filming Day
Filming will occur on Monday, December 9, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. at various locations within the property. Producers have assured residents that the shoot will not involve loud noises, pyrotechnics, special effects, or simulated gunfire. All activities will remain confined to private property, minimizing any potential impact on the local community.
On Tuesday, December 10, a small crew will return to wrap up the location between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Community Impact
The traffic in the area will remain unaffected throughout the process, as all activities are restricted to private property. While a small camera drone is planned for some sequences, atmospheric smoke, aircraft, or other disruptive elements will not be used.
Residents with questions or concerns are encouraged to contact the production office at 604-449-3601 or via email at residentalienlocations@gmail.com. On the day of filming, the on-site Assistant Location Manager will be available to address any immediate concerns.