The proponents of a five-story apartment complex in Dentville are proposing a change in plans for one of their buildings. A building that was earlier supposed to be affordable rentals will now be a market rental. However, the developers will donate 5% of the additional floor area (73.5 square meters) to the Squamish Community Housing Society.
In the staff report to the council, staff don’t explain why the change is being proposed but say the new application still meets the district’s Community Amenity Contribution policy. The rezoning proposal is being presented to the council for the second time; the application came before last year but didn’t receive a third reading because of unresolved issues.
The revised application for two apartment buildings at 1006 and 1018 McNamee Place will be discussed by the Squamish Council at a council meeting on Tuesday, January 21. The project combines two parcels of land and proposes two buildings; the first will have 62 condos, and the second will have 15 market rental units. Two commercial units are proposed on the ground floor. Currently, 1006 McNamee Place is a vacant lot, and 1018 McNamee Place is being developed with nine three-bedroom rental townhouses.
District supports parking reduction
The proposed development has a parking requirement of 138, but the applicant proposes 102 parking spaces. District staff supports this reduction in parking because the development is close to downtown. The reduction also supports plans to disincentivize private vehicle use.
“Staff analysis suggests the proposed parking reduction is supportable based on the subject site’s proximity to downtown, proximity to transit, bike-ability, walk-ability, locations of schools and amenities,” notes a staff report to the council. “This is also consistent with the Community Climate Action Plan Big Move #2: disincentivize private vehicle use.”
The development will replace the nine three-bedroom market rental townhouses at 1018 McNamee Place. Current tenants will be required to move during construction but will have the first right of refusal to move into the new rental units once the project is complete. To support affected residents, the developers have agreed to a Tenant Relocation Plan (TRP), which includes relocation assistance, compensation, support for special circumstances, etc.
Conditions for approval
Before rezoning approval, the developers must meet several conditions outlined by the District:
Housing and Tenant Protections: Secure all 15 units in Building Two as market rentals in perpetuity through a housing agreement, provide $123,500 in security for the approved Tenant Relocation Plan, and ensure the rental units have access to all shared amenities in Building One.
Community Contributions: Donate 5% of the residential floor area (73.5 square meters) to the Squamish Community Housing Society, giving $94,938 for amenities, parks, and active transportation. The developer must also commit to electrification of all units, with no natural gas used for cooking or heating.
Infrastructure Improvements: Upgrade McNamee Place frontage with sidewalks, bike lanes, streetlights, and complete full-width road paving. Install riparian protection fencing and fire turnaround facilities.
Noise Mitigation: The developer must hire an approved CN Rail Noise Consultant to undertake a rail noise and vibration analysis and then implement recommended measures by CN Rail.
FedUp says
Enough of the parking requirement variations! Being close to downtown, schools and amenities (?) is not adequate reason for having no vehicle in Squamish. How does staff/council think people get to the City, get to Whistler, get to the lake, get to work?
I propose that no one on Council or Staff is allowed to own a vehicle. Each and every one of them must demonstrate, by example, how having no vehicle is realistic in Squamish. No member of their household is allowed a vehicle either. If they want to visit Paradise Valley or Upper Squamish Valley, try taking transit. If they need to see a specialist in the City, hitchhike? or walk? or bike? but no asking a friend for a ride!!