At a meeting today, Squamish Council will consider a variance request to allow an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) at a home on Westway Avenue in Valleycliffe. The variance will allow the dwelling unit to be built closer to the rear property line than current zoning rules permit.
The proposal seeks to reduce the required rear setback from 1.5 metres to 0.61 metres, allowing the ADU’s balcony to extend further back while retaining more backyard space. The planned two-storey unit includes a garage, accessed via a new driveway on the north side of the existing home.
Under current zoning regulations, properties that back onto laneways are permitted a 0.61-metre setback, while those without lanes require a larger buffer to create space between buildings. However, the Westway home backs onto land restricted by a BC Hydro right-of-way, meaning no development is expected on the neighbouring parcel. Staff supports the variance, noting that privacy impacts on properties nearby will be minimal.
As part of the approval process, the applicant has agreed to register a covenant to not use natural gas for heating, cooking, and hot water in the new unit. However, flood hazard assessments and additional permits will be required before construction.