BC/Canada News
A Meeting Place for Ideas in Downtown Squamish
Dave Crewson and Mario Gomes have created Startup Squamish, a place where entrepreneurs can share ideas and information, and find the support they need to transmute passion into action.
Turning a new chapter in life and work
With Training Innovation's Encore Program and the support of local businesses, mature workers learn new skills that help them re-enter the economy.
Garibaldi at Squamish (GAS) Proponents Ask for a One-Year Extension on Environmental Assesement
Garibaldi at Squamish proponents have asked for a one-year extension for the environmental assessment process, asking the EAO to extend the deadline to submit supplemental information to June 2015.
Inter-library Loans will be Delayed with Planned Budget Cuts
It can take as many as 10 days, sometimes two weeks, to receive the call bookworms eagerly await: Your inter-library loan book has arrived. Now, council has approved a budget cut that will further delay that call.
District Rolls Out Tax Exemption Program
District of Squamish has rolled out its first-ever investment incentive program, available from now through to August 31, 2016. The incentive program provides property tax exemptions and façade improvement grants targeting commercial and mixed-use developments in downtown and industrial development in the Business Park.
Business Briefs: Subdivision Planned in Brackendale
An application has been made to rezone a parcel of land on Depot Road in Brackendale from the existing Rural 2 to Rural 1 zoning.
Planning Department, Bylaw See Increase in Revenue
Development services at the district almost doubled its revenue this year. Bylaw enforcement was also richer by $46,150, thanks to dog licences.
Where Your Money Went: The Big Projects of 2013
From Squamish River dike upgrades to paving of the Corridor Trail, a glimpse into where the district of Squamish spent your money last year.
‘Our Contribution Won’t be Small’: Woodfibre LNG vice-president
An LNG export facility being planned on former Woodfibre pulp mill sit has thrilled and worried Squamishers. While many welcome the jobs and taxes the facility will create, there are others who are anxious to know its impact on environment. In an interview with Gagandeep Ghuman, the vice-president of corporate affairs at Woodfibre Natural Gas, Byng Giraud, answers questions about the project.
Where Your Tax Dollars Went: Eight Big Projects of 2013
From Corridor Trail to Valleycliffe water main replacement, here is a glimpse into where the district spent your money last year.