BC/Canada News
Sale Soon for BCR Land
Site remediation for BC Rail land in Northyards is complete, and the property will come up for sale soon.
Garibaldi at Squamish (GAS) Has till June to Submit Additional Info
Garibaldi at Squamish (GAS) proponents have six months to supplement information on water, hydrology, fish, vegetation, and wildlife to the Environmental Assessment Office (EAO).
A Proposed New Fee Worries Families and Youth Sports Advocates
Until now, youth sports was exempt from any user fees. But looking to increase its revenue, the district plans to slap new fees and charges to play on the soccer and baseball fields. This will affect families like the Olivers above, who pay close to $350 for the boys to be part of both baseball and soccer leagues.
Riparian Bylaw Renders Lot Useless
A riparian area bylaw passed by the district in 2010 has wiped out 90 per cent of Art Bartsch’s residential lot, what he calls a ‘de facto appropriation’.
The Sign to Squamish is Caught in a Tangled Web of Committees and Reports
It's been three years since the Squamish Sign was vandalised and destroyed in an accident. A plan to construct a new sign has since been mired in committees and consultant reports. Now, it's again being put on hold for a rebranding exercise.
Local Plans to Sue District
Sohan Thandi went to the district asking if he could subdivide a lot he was planning to buy. The district greenlighted the project, but then rejected the proposal, throwing his plans and his life in turmoil. Now, he plans to sue the district.
We are Less Wasteful Now, but it’s Far from Ideal
In merely five years, despite the population increase, Squamish has reduced the waste being generated to 630 kg per capita, according to director of engineering Rod MacLeod.
A Trail That Will Spin a Yarn
Meg Fellowes is proposing a trail that will string the town's well-known buildings and its natural assets in a loop, helping us share the stories that bind our diverse community together.
More Events Needed to Bring People Downtown: District Study
There would be more visitors walking into downtown stores if there was a wider selection of retailers and dining, events, and more convenient shopping times, says a latest district survey.
Geoscientist Warns District to Update Flood Hazard Mgmt Plan
A local geoscientist is warning the district to update its obsolete Flood Hazard Management Plan (FHMP) to reflect current standards on dikes, development and climate change.